Fire Marshall & Warden Training
Our Fire Marshall and WardenTraining delivers a comprehensive training event that makes you legally compliant for staff training concerning Fire. We can attend your premises in or out of office hours to provide this crucial staff training at a competitive price, infact we won't be beaten on price. We have trained over 1000 people in the last 12 months alone.
Fire Marshall & Warden Training Contents:
· An understanding of how fires start, grow, move and how to prevent this
· Your Building and it's Fire Measures
· Alarms and Emergency Exit Lights
· Fire Doors, Routes and Assembly Point
· How Many People can safely use the premises
· Fire Extinguishers and their Safe Usage
· Different Events and Services
· Dealing with Special Needs
· Evacuation
· Training and Drills
· Reviews and their importance
Aims and Objectives

· To understand what burns and how
· Understanding the Fire Triangle
· Initiators and Accelerants (Sources and Fuel)
· How Fires Move (Conductors, Convection and Radiation)
· Understanding Compartmentation and where it is used. (Escape Routes)
· Your Safe Building Numbers and Applying them
· Arson
· Fire Doors and How they Work
· Alarm Systems and Emergency Lights
· Understanding Extinguishers
· Using Fire a Fire Blanket
· Getting ready for Different events and Assessing Changes
· Equality Act and Fire Regulations
· Understanding Safe Evacuation and Fire Drills/Practice.
· Communicating Your Measures
· Reviewing your Measures
Take our quick questionnaire, to see if you are legally compliant.
If you can't answer YES to ALL the following questions that apply to your organisation, then you should seriously consider Fire Training with Green Tree Safety. Call us today to discuss your requirements.
1. Do you have an up to date fire risk assessment?
2. Is your fire alarm serviced bi-annually?
3. Is your fire alarm tested internally regularly?
4. Is your fire alarm loud enough to hear from all areas of the building?
5. Do you/staff know what your fire alarm sounds like?
6. Do you know how to operate your fire alarm panel?
7. Are your Fire Extinguishers serviced annually?
8. Do you regularly check your fire extinguishers?
9. Do you have designated trained fire wardens during events?
10. Do you complete fire drills regularly?
11. Do you discuss fire safety with your team regularly?
12. Do you check your fire exit routes regularly?
13. Do you open and check your fire exit doors regularly?
14. Is your emergency lighting serviced bi-annually?
15. Is your emergency lighting tested regularly internally?
16. Have you completed an 'after dark' check?
17. Do you get PAT testing done regularly?
18. Are your furniture/curtains fire rated?
19. Do your fire doors close fully by themselves and are not held open?
20. Are your shutters and gas valves connected to the fire alarm?
21. Do you know your maximum capacity for areas of your building?
22. Do your fire exits have the correct width doorways?
23. Do you have a Wet sprinkler system monitored?
24. Do you know how to operate a fire extinguisher/Blanket?
25. Do you know where your fire assembly point is?
26. Do you risk assess events held by external bodies like schools?
27. Do you have an evacuation pack adjacent to your fire panel?